Hello Nessa Participants
our 2022 racing season has under way
Fees Lebanon Valley Dragway gate fee/tech card is $35.00
The fee to race is $50.00 for points members and $65.00 non-members
Please pay befor 9.15am and before the 1st time run. No Exceptions.
if you choose to run two classes, you can but NO PRO TREE AND NO THROTTLE STOPS.
If you choose to run multiple classes and Nessa again NO PRO TREE but you can run your throttle stop.
when NESSA is called to the lanes we will not hold the lanes for you.
Ok the 2020 season has come to a end, First I want to thank everyone that came out this year, we did get 6 races in .
Champion is Grant Nichols
2nd place Drew Wonderly
3rd place Mike Falcone
4th place George McGuigan
We are still on hold , Race 1 Race 2 and Race 3 have been cancelled. As new news comes in I will let you all know.
Another two great days of racing and we had a few new winners for NESSA , Frank Volpe took the win over Rick Mattioli on Saturday and Scott Menard took the win over Tom Hensel on sunday , After Saturday racing was over we had our NESSA BBQ, I want to thank everyone that came and brought stuff. That’s what makes this club so great that we can all race one another and then at the end of the day eat together.
July 20th was a very hot day of racing ,so I want to start with thank you for everyone that came to race today, George McGuigan took the win over Dave Jones .
Well we had two great days of racing and two different winners. Saturday races was Grant Nichols taking the win over Dave Jones and on Sunday Gary Federico took the win over Neil Vaccaro. Ray butler took the #1 spot on Saturday and Karyl Bell Viscione took the #1 spot sunday. The bounty was taken both day buy Bill Arpine.
Next Race will be July 20th
This coming weekend we will be racing Saturday and Sunday June 22,23, Check with the track where you can park if you would like to leave your rig for Div 1 race the next weekend. Also please see Drew Wonderly at his trailer by 9am to enter the race.
.Congrats to Ray Butler on his first win and second trip to the finals , George McGuigan was our runner up, Also Gary Federico took the Str8line Performance #1 qualifier .
we had our first race May 18,2019 , The weather was beautiful , Rick Mattioli took the win over Ray Butler . I want to thank everyone that came out, I hope to see you all at the next race June 1,2019.
2019 race season is here, this Saturday April 27, will start our season,
All of us at NESSA would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Safe Holiday Season .
Our 2018 season has come to a close, mother nature wasn’t very good to us this year , even our rain dates were rained out. So I want to take this time and thank everyone that came out and raced with our club . And congratulation to our champion Mike Falcone, and to 2nd place George McGuigan ,3rd place Grant Nichols and 4th place Ray Butler.
Sunday race Aug 26th, we got another race in and this one came down to George McGuigan and Alan Berard and George took the win. Again thank you to everyone that came out to race with us.
We had a very nice turnout for Saturdays race Aug 25th, thank you to everyone that came out.At the end of the day it was Ray Butler and Grant Nichols in the finals . Grant came out on top to gain the top spot again in the points.
New dates Aug 25 &26 Sept, 15 Oct 13 .
Rained again,BBQ is still on for Saturday evening and lets hope for nice weather for Sunday’s race.
Race three is in, It was a very nice sunny day and we had one of the best finales . Mike Falcone takes the win over Drew Wounderly in a very close race. Grant Nicholes takes the number 1 qualifier spot. I want to thank all the racers and crews that came out . Hope to see everyone at the next event, it will be a two day race Saturday and Sunday, and a BBQ after Saturday racing is done.
Well we did it, Race #2 is in the books,Mike Boule takes the win over Mike Falcone Grant Nichols takes the #1 qualifier . Next Race will be 07/28/2018. The BBQ will be on Aug 11th after the race on Saturday .Thanks to everyone that came out to race on 07/14/2018.
Well we didn’t get the race in again ,so now that’s three rain out this year. We only have two make up date’s so we are down to 7 races this year.The next race is July 14.Lets pray for sunshine.
Good luck to all NESSA member’s that will be racing in the DIV 1 race at the Valley.
Race 2 and 3 were rained out
Race 1 04/28/2018
Number one qualifier was Terpening , the win goes to George McGuigan over Dave Jones.
We lost one of are own this week ,Frank Grillo has passed away on 04/17/2018 ,
There will be a memorial service on Sunday April 22,around 1pm just before first round at the Valley . ANYONE WISHING TO MAKE A DONATION IN FRANK’S HONOR MAY DO SO TO D.R.A.W. (Drag Racing Association of Women) c/o Rosalee Nobile, 4 Hance Drive, Charleston, IL 61920
Race #7 is in, Drew Wonderly takes the win over Ray Butler,. After all said Ray Butler takes his 4th Championship. Drew Wonderly moves to second place with his win and Grant Nichols takes third and George McGuigan will take 4th. We only got to do 7 races this year because of rain , so I want to thank every one that came out and raced this year.
Race #6 is in, Ray Butler takes his 4th win of the season and Grant Nichols takes the runner up spot to keep Ray in check. Still a tight battle for the the top 4 spots. Drew Wonderly takes the REVX #1 qualifer spot.. The next two races should be good.
Race #4 and 5 are in , Ray Butler takes three in a roe with his win over Mike Falcone , Grant Nichols was the REVX #1 qualifier. On Saturday race 5 Mr Drew Wonderly takes the win over Grant Nichols and George McGuigan was the REVX #1 qualifer.
Race # 4 was a rain out, Our next two are July 14th and 15th , That’s a Friday and Saturday race. After Saturday racing is done we will have our BBQ , All are welcome.
Race # 3 is in the books. Mr Ray Butler takes another win , that’s 2 in a row , Don Terpening takes the runner up spot.
Race #2 is in the books, Mr Ray Butler takes the win over Drew Wonderly , Ray also took the # 1 qualifier spot.
I would like to thank Johnny Smith of Rev X for coming back another year to support or 2017 number one qualifier program.
Welcome to our 2017 race season. We kicked off 2017 on May 6th with race #1.
Grant Nichols takes the first race over Dave Wingfield, and George McGuigan took the semi finales. Mr Mike Rosa was our #1 qualifier.
Race #8 and our 2016 season is in the books, Grant Nichols takes the win over Mike Rosa, Dave Wingfield and Mike Falcone were in the semis. George McGuigan was the #1 qualifier. Our 2016 champion is Ray Butler.
Race # 8 will be October 1, this is a rain make up. after this race we will crown our champion,second ,third and forth place racers.
Race #7 Is in the books Ray Butler takes the win with his mighty blue Malibu over the Ice man Grant Nichols. One more race to go .
Race #6 Is In the books , good old Friday night racing, Mike Falcone came out on top of the # 1 qualifier .George McGuigan
Race#5 Is in the books, Gary Traeger takes his first win of 2016 ,Mike Falcone takes the runner up spot again and Dave Wingfield in the semis along with George McGuigan and our Rev X #1 qualifer was George McGuigan.
Next Race is our friday and saturday race along with our BBQ after the race on saturday.
Race #4 is in the books Ray Butler takes his second win over Mike Falcone ,Dave Wingfield takes home the semi and Ray Butler was our REV X #1 qualifer again.
Race#3 in the books Mike Rosa takes the win over Ray Butler ,art Gardner takes the semi and Ray Butler also takes the REV X #1 qualifer.
Race #2 is in the books, we had a another good car count today, George McGuigan takes the win over Frank Volpe jr ,Drew wonderly takes the semi. and George McGuigan also takes the REV X #1 qualifier.
Race #1 is in the books, we had a nice number of car to come out , But at the end it was Ray Butler to take the win over Kenny Edgar and first timer Mike Rosa in the semi. Art Gardner takes the REV X #1 qualifier. Hope to see everyone at the next race in June.
The Tater Race is back for 2016. 8/27/2016 the day of the BBQ
$200 to the winner
$100 to the runner up
$25 to the semi.
plus putting $150 in to the BBQ
Ken Mooses Race Transimions will be a sponsor for all 8 races in 2016.
Bill Arpine is stepping up the challenge,
I’ll pay $200.00 to the racer who runs a 10.900 in the final round (win or lose) and $300.00 to the racer who has a perfect package in the final round…. trip zip dead zero ! (these are not to be combined).
We have a new sponsor for 2016
WCD Window Covering Inc will be putting in $100.00 to the payout at all 8 races
$75.00 to the winner
$25.00 to the runner up
Sorry to say but our first race of 2016 was rained out. See you at the next date.
The 2015 Lebanon Valley Dragway Awards Banquet will be held Saturday, March 19, 2016
at the Lebanon Valley Auto Racing Clubhouse
1746 US Route 20, West Lebanon, NY
Doors open at 6:00pm
Buffet Style Dinner at 7:00pm
Awards Presentation to follow.
Cost: $25 per person
NESSA will be handing out awards to first second and third place winners
NESSA is also on Facebook, just search northeast super street association.
2016 Race Schedule Has been Posted!
2015 NESSA champion is Grant Nichols , congrats to the Nichols Race Team.
Race # 2 in the books!
We had a great turn out and great weather.
Winner: Kenny V
Runner Up: Drew W
Semis: George M
#1 Qualifier: Grant N
Bounty: Kenny V
I want to thank everyone that came out .
Hello everyone,
This Saturday will kick off our 2015 season.
Drivers meeting has been moved up to 930am and first time run will be at 10am.
Please bring form filled out with payment with you to the drivers meeting or you can bring it to my trailer.
I hope to see everyone this year.
I would like to say thank you to all who attended the 2014 NESSA picnic and “Pa Tater BBQ”. It’s always a good time.
I’d also like to thank Art Garder and Gary Traeger for the extra payouts on Friday and Saturday.
We are down to 1 race left- looking forward to seeing you all on September 13th.
This Saturday, August 23rd is NESSA race #7.
Our own NESSA racer Gary Traeger is putting up an extra payout to the winner. Thank you Gary!
Saturday night we will also hold our NESSA summer bbq.
Please reach out to Ken Vangorder and let him know what you can bring. 845-416-0571.
……Be sure to bring your own chair.
This Friday night, August 22nd is NESSA race #6. Come on and join us at Lebanon Valley Dragway for some 10.90 passes.
Our own NESSA racer Art Gardner is putting up an extra $100.00 to the winner. Thank you Art!
Time trials will begin promptly at 6:00 pm with 1st round of eliminations starting at 7:00 pm.
This Saturday, June 7th is NESSA race #2. Come on and join us at Lebanon Valley Dragway for some 10.90 passes before the Lucas Oil Division 1 race next weekend!
This Saturday, May 31st will start the 2014 season. Is everyone ready?
Race #1 was rained out. See you all on May 31st!
Please be sure to join us as we congratulate our 2013 NESSA Champion as well as our 2nd and 3rd place finishers at the Lebanon Valley Dragway banquet being held on Saturday, March 15th at the Lebanon Valley Clubhouse.
Tickets are $25.00 each and can be purchased in advance by calling Heather at: 518-794-9606.
No tickets will be sold at the door.
Ken Moses Racing Transmission will be the dealer for the Lokar’s Tethers.
“On our way back from the PRI show with some new products! it was a great time. More in a couple days on a major transmission company and nitrous company coming onboard. Just remember we sell at mail order prices! All of them are contingency sponsors. Keep this in mind when ordering! Full line of meziere, weldon, lokar, and carry many header tether companies”.- Deb Moses
Speedy Carts will also be selling Approved Tethers.
SCC Speedy Carts and Coatings, LLC — Check out our WebSite